Monday, August 07, 2006

So, There's This Crazy Guy...

...In North Korea, who is spending literally billions of dollars on nuclear weapons, with the stated intent and purpose of overthrowing the government in South Korea and attacking his neighbors, including China and Japan.

You may have heard of him.

His name is Kim Jong-Il.

Just recently, North Korea has experienced flooding and storms so severe that basically their entire rice crop of this year is destroyed; the U.N. estimates upwards of 60,000 people are homeless, and people are starving left and right.

So, the natural thing to do is to go, hat in hand, to their neighbors to the south, the ones they've threatened with nuclear weapons, and say "Please, Mr. Capitalist, give us 500,000 TONS of rice so our people don't starve. But shut up about the nukes, already."

Think I'm kidding?

I never kid.

Seriously, North Korea has already rejected the U. N.'s offer of food aid; apparently the fact that the U. N.'s toothless ass wants the North Koreans to return to the negotiating table about the nukes was just far, far more important than the lives of their citizens.

At any rate, they're pestering the South Koreans now. The sad part? Want to bet that the South Koreans go ahead and give them the chow?


Seriously, folks, if someone's threatening nuclear war, they ought not to get food, financial aid, or even a market share. Fuck sanctions; they never work. I'm talking about total embargo - no chow, no money, no nothing, in or out. If they're self-sufficient enough that, as the North Koreans so often remind us, they don't need the products of our corrupt capitalism, let them go six months or a year without hem, and see how they like it.

And if you want to prate on about the starving, suffering masses, allow me to remind you that they are starving because they APPROVE of their leaders' actions. If they didn't, I assure you that hunger is a sufficient motivator to incite revolution.