The media loves to portray those of us who disagree with them politically as "evil right-wingers, rife with paranoia."
I'd like to set the record straight. I'm not a right wing anything. I actually think both American political parties are full of corruption, idiocy, and general malfeasance, which I suppose is the inevitable result of a hereditary aristocracy. (Think it's not? Explain the Kennedys, then.)
But my distrust of the media isn't rooted solely in politics, per se; it's rooted in the fact that in service of their politics, journalists are willing to lie openly to the public, so long as it serves their agenda. This didn't used to be the case; in the past, the media was much more honest, or at least better at not getting caught.
I'm not alone in my disgust with the media. Even Mary Katherine Ham, writing for the site, had plenty to say about the subject.
Does the mainstream press ever wonder why conservatives distrust them so much?This article sums it up nicely, I think; the MSM got busy faking news to support their agenda, they got caught red-handed, and now they're trying to pass this, too, off as the actions of "a few extremists."
If so, they need look no further than the “fauxtography†scandals of the last couple of weeks. Conservative bloggers have been hard at work sniffing out suspected fakery and staging in the photos sent back on the newswires from the Israel/Hezbollah conflict, and the investigation got pretty smelly.
It makes me honestly wonder how long the excuse of "a few extremists" will continue to suffice as a justification for something that is obviously systemic, pervasive, and persistent in nature, despite the repeatedly noisy denials of the MSM.