Wednesday, August 09, 2006

More Evidence Of Media Complicity With Hezbollah...

...As though anyone really needed any.

It turns out that things are even worse than I knew.

Not only did Reuters employ a photographer who photoshopped his pictures to make them look worse, but EVEN SOME OF THE PHOTOS I POSTED HERE were staged and misleading.

In particular, the image of a man holding an AK-47 pointed towards a fire - which I took with the Reuters caption that he was guarding a site of an Israeli raid.

Specifically, it was only an Israeli raid if the IDF is attacking junkyards. That's not a raid, or a bombing run; it's a TIRE FIRE.

There's an excellent breakdown on the Reuters situation here. Yes, Bill, I know, it's a "dot-com" posting, but that doesn't mean they're wrong. Especially since the AP is smelling blood in the water, and their reporters are starting to cover Reuters' imminent downfall.

The same blogger who brought down Dan Rather, the estimable Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs, was the one who caught the Reuters photographer, Adnan Hajj, displaying his mad Photoshopping Skillz. I don't know if that establishes his bona fides enough for you to take him seriously, but I'd give his evidence a very, very serious look.

Here is Doss' breakdown of Reuters' biased captioning in action.

Here's Michelle Malkin's take on events.

The New York Times predictably is soft-pedaling for all it's worth. This should come as no surprise, since some of their own photos are among those found to have been staged. Busted, byatch!

The New York Sun, on the other hand, acknowledges that NINE HUNDRED TWENTY pictures have been faked, staged, 'shopped, or otherwise fucked with.

Investor's Business Daily is getting its licks in - Reuters has not been kind to them in the past.

EVEN THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR can report more honestly than Reuters, apparently.

See, here's the thing, Reuters. If you didn't catch it with the faked National Guard documents that led to Dan Rather's dismissal, bloggers are here.

We're smart, cynical, skeptical, and we're watching you.

So don't fuck up.