Monday, August 28, 2006

More Fun With Hamas!

I'm sure you've all been waiting for me to come up with something political to rant about.

Wait no more!

Jesse Jackson is spending his time, and his adherents' money, hanging out in Gaza, meeting with Hamas leaders.
I would like to say, to everyone that is fooled by this, that the man is a fraud.

He does not care about his constituents, and in fact is willing to travel halfway around the world, at their expense, to meet with terrorists.

This no doubt advances the cause of "colored" people in America in some way that I'm not equipped to understand, considering I'm actually against terrorism.

If your premise is that you want to advance the role of black people in America, Mr. Jackson, then do so. Do so by staying here, in this country, doing things that will help. Raising the minimum wage isn't one of those; meeting with terrorists isn't one of those; traveling the world on the cheritable contributions of your gullible adherents isn't one of those.

Feeding the hungry IS.
Finding jobs for the unemployed IS.
Assisting the uneducated in receiving an education, so they can work for better pay, IS.

Your continued willingness to meet with, and accord legitimacy to, terrorist organizations like Hamas, the PLO, Hezbollah, and the entire government of Iran, merely indicates that your agenda is not as advertised. If you aren't out to improve the lot in life of black people in America, then what, I wonder, IS your goal?

Explain, please.