Monday, August 07, 2006

Just In Case Anyone Was Curious...

...about why I haven't been writing more extensively about Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Syria, and the general melee going on over there, there's a simple reason.

Because I want to rant at length. While I post diatribes about similar topics on a frequent basis on here, I try to keep it short, and this is a discussion which deserves the full treatment, so (hopefully tomorrow night, but we'll see) it will go up on Xeno's Paradox instead.

I was gonna just do another little rant, but then I started doing research - never a good idea - and came up with a wealth of material, so it's gonna go there instead of here.

Plus, I'm more comfortable with Blogger's interface anyway; it doesn't edit my HTML, which is nice.

This means that it's not as newbie-friendly as Yahoo! 360,  but the other side of that is it doesn't insert hundreds of random links out of nowhere that it won't allow me to remove, either.

It also makes permanent links out of post titles, rather than a long-ass string of crazy alphanumeric hash that you cannot possibly remember. It also allows better template customization - look at mine, and then look at CSC's page to get what I mean.

Anyway, so, hopefully sometime tomorrow there will be a huge entry over at XP about the Middle East; since 360 is feed retarded, I will blog the fact that I put it up over there. I wish I could rely on 360 to actually update my feeds, but 360 still insists that my last entry over on Xeno's Guide was about Underworld: Evolution, which was back in April.

This, of course, leaves out my entry on Silent Hill, the one on V For Vendetta, my first mention of Snakes On A Plane, not to be confused with my much more controversy-inspiring second mention, and my review of Suicide Circle. None of these show on 360 at all.