Saturday, July 01, 2006

OK: Now This Is About Enough Of This.

The following is a message I received from someone a couple of nights ago.

I replied, tolerantly, considering I despise SPAM in all its incarnations; something I will at this point not be willing to do again.

Hey Sexy!

;;;;;;;;;;;:_____________, :;;;;;;;;;
:;;;;;;;;;;;;__________, :;;;;;;;;;;;
_ :;;;;;;;;;;;, , _______, :;;;;;;;;;;;
___:;;;;;;;;;;;;_______, ;;;;;;;;;;;;:
___________:;;;;., .;;;;;;
____________(*. (*. .*) .* )

Ok This Is The Sex Bunny
If You Recieve This Bunny
That Means Your Sexy
If You Get This Back
That Means Your Even Sexier
Pass This Bunny On To Your
Friends Who You Find Sexy

Dammit, I don't like this kind of stuff. Why? I'll tell you.

Because of every single person (and there are a LOT of you) who have sent me this annoying piece of shit, ONLY ONE PERSON HAD THE GODDAMN COMMON DECENCY TO STRIP THE HEADER.

Only one of you took out the irritating-assed ">>>>>" crap from it being forwarded ad infinitum; only one of you had the decency and respect to take the laundry list of Yahoo! IDs off the top.

And even so, SHE didn't bother to notice my name already in the long-ass list of names generated by everyone in the damn world sending the friggin' thing to me before her, and not bother.

I understand that everyone thinks this sort of idiotic crap is cute. I do. But it loses its already small appeal when you get it 23 goddamn times in 2 days, from people WHO ARE IN EACH OTHER'S LISTS OF PEOPLE IT'S BEEN SENT TO.

I am not impressed that 23 people think I'm sexy enough to spam the shit out of me. I get a goddamn popup alert every time I get a message on 360;  I absolutely hate it when I get 23 popups alerting me that I have gotten the same identical horseshit YET AGAIN.

DO NOT send me this kind of thing, thanks. Show your friendship for me by taking me OUT of your spam list. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, if you insist on sending this kind of thing, LOOK at the message and see if your intended recipient (hopefully not me) has already received it. If they have, accept that you didn't get to be the first one, and just plain let that shit go.


Thank you. That is all.