Monday, July 17, 2006

Something To Think About...

...this year has absolutely sucked for movies.

I am a movie fanatic, and watch anything of even remote interest.

And yet, somehow, I have trouble actually remembering anything remotely distinctive about the movies that have come out this year. There are a few upcoming that look interesting, but so far, blah.

And that's where Samuel L. Jackson comes in.

Let me put it like this.


Now, you may know what I'm talking about, or you may not.

On August 18th, Snakes On A Plane hits theaters. AICN reviews it first, and surprisingly, says it may actually kick ass. Now for those of you who don't know, SOAP is a movie that started as a kind of an inside joke: SOAP was the working title for a movie in production, when somehow it got leaked onto the intarwebs, and it took off.

In a stroke of genius, the studio realized that the huge buzz that sprang up surrounding their movie was A. free publicity, and B. a ready-made audience, if and only if they didn't fuck it up.

The result may well be movie history.

With a huge built-in audience, enormous word-of-mouth hype, and a lackluster summer movie season, SOAP may be positioned to outperform any other movie this year, simply by lack of competition.

Assuming they didn't fuck it up, they may very well have the hit of the year on their hands. Something to think about, indeed.


I'll be a motherfucker.