Friday, July 21, 2006

Just In Case Anyone Is Interested...

You can get tilapia fillets from your grocer - Weis has them $2.99 a pound this week.


2 cups lemon juice

3 tbsp. masa flour (fine corn flour. I use Goya brand, but that's up to you.)

2 tbsp. each garlic and onion powder

3 tbsp. butter / margarine / whatever.

1 tsp. black pepper

Heat on medium until butter is melted and masa is mixed evenly, no lumps. (Masa will expand. If the sauce thickens too much, add more lemon juice.)

Turn heat up to medium-high and simmer for about 5 minutes, stirring frequently.

Remove from heat.

This sauce is very sour. Tara adds sugar, but I didn't feel it needed it.

But anyway: sugar to taste.

Fry the tilapia fillets on medium either in butter or a very light oil. They should be turned when the edges get white, and should only cook until they are white and flaky.

Do NOT overcook - if it burns, it ruins it.

Good luck trying to get them out of the pan in one piece, LMAO.

Anyway, when they've cooled enough to eat, serve with the lemon butter sauce.

Don't use too much - it drowns the flavor of the tilapia, which is quite good.

The best part? The only sodium in the whole shebang is in the butter and fish - if you can get unsalted butter, no salt at all. The fish depends on whether it's fresh or packed; fresh has only naturally occurring sodium, which isn't much.

Garlic / onion powder / lemon juice = zero mg Na.

Low salt living at it's finest.

We added in a pot of fresh steamed snap peas and a bowl of applesauce apiece as dessert.

Pimp dinner, right there. And altogether it cost us about $10 - with ingredients left over for several more meals.