Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Remember Those Tax Cuts Destroying The Economy? Yeah, About That...

Apparently, it just ain't true.

You know I hate to say that Bush has done anything right, but sadly, again, it appears he wasn't wrong.

Now, those of you who know me know my position is that ALL tax cuts are inherently good; here's yet more evidence.

Despite all the doom and gloom and naysaying by SOME people, did you know that since the tax cuts in 2003, our economy has grown?

Did you know that it's GROWN an amount equal to the Gross Domestic Product of China?

Not Taiwan, either;  the People's Republic of China, the most populous nation in the world.

That's right. In three years, our economy has expanded by about 2.2 TRILLION dollars.

That's 2,200,000,000,000. BIIIIIG number. During the first year of the Reagan administration, our ENTIRE economy was about 4 trillion dollars; in the last three years, we've grown over half that much.

Why? Because corporations don't pay taxes. Customers do. In case you've never noticed, although you should have, every time there's a tax hike, prices go up, across the economy. Every time there's a minimum wage hike, the same. In fact, every time there's an economic change that results in increased costs to corporations, that translates without pause into increased costs for the consumer.

Citizens pay ALL taxes, without exception. No-one seems to remember that. When there is a tax cut, it DOES NOT MATTER who it affects; ultimately it affects you and me, in the form of lower prices.

Thus, the surge in small business jobs of recent years - despite the media whining that big corporations aren't hiring as much, which is true, the simple fact is that the job market has GROWN in this country under the Bush administration. The economy has grown under the Bush administration. EVEN TAX REVENUES HAVE GROWN UNDER THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION.

Because President Bush understands what I've said so many times before: you have more pies if you take a tenth each of fifty pies than you do if you take a fifth each of five. Lower taxes on corporations, and more companies will be created, and be able to afford to pay those taxes.

Lower the taxes on your citizens, and fewer of them will have to claim exemptions to avoid paying at all.

Lower the taxes on ANYONE OR ANYTHING and the economy strengthens, because costs lower; this means increased tax revenue, as there are more sources for it.

Damn shame so many people in the media can't seem to figure that out.