Sunday, July 09, 2006

I Don't Know If Any Of You Play This Stupid Game, But...

...if you play The Sims 2, here's a little story for you.

Tara finally got around to playing this game she's pestered me to get for her for AGES. I tried to tell her it was inconsiderate and sucked, but she insisted.

So, she got going, got her Sim made, got her a house, a job, and a computer; even made one friend - and then, disaster. The computer broke.

Rather than call for a repairman, in her genius, Tara made her Sim try to repair the computer herself.

You may guess from the fact that you're reading this that it didn't go well...

After the HUGE BOLT OF LIGHTNING FROM THE COMPUTER FRIED HER SIM, her Sim attempted to stand up, turned black, quivered, fell over, curled into the fetal position, and DIED.

Her friend stood there, crying, as Death appeared to collect her Sim.

Death took one look and started laughing hysterically. Finally, shaking his head, he took out the list, noted her down, collected her, and left.