Saturday, July 08, 2006

Since We Just Talked About This...

The other day on JoyMonsta's blog, there was a bit of a discussion about the One Red Paperclip Guy.

A bit of background:

Kyle MacDonald made it his mission in life to trade one red paperclip for a house. He started by trading for a pen, which he traded for a cool knob, which he traded for a barbecue, which he traded for a generator, which... until just recently, his final trade to date was for a paid, credited, speaking movie role.

I now report with pleasure, that one year to the day from the time his quest began, Kyle MacDonald will become the proud owner of a house in Kipling, Saskatchewan, Canada.

The town of Kipling offered him a ton of crap to go with it, too; including declaring July 12th "One Red Paperclip Day," and building the world's largest Red Paperclip.

Dude.  One Mission.  One Year.  One Red Paperclip.  14 Trades.  One house.
