Sunday, July 16, 2006

You Just Can't Make This Stuff Up, I Tell You...

You know that French soccer player who headbutted the Italian guy?

You don't?

Well, maybe this will help.

Yeah. Wanna know why he did it? United States President George W. Bush, that's why. That's right. The Prez brainwashed a random French soccer player into headbutting another soccer player.
\r\nOh, you want to see the story?
\r\nFine, then. Here you go.
\r\nI mean, you just can't make this kind of thing up, you know? When are people going to wake up and realize that the President should rightfully be castigated for the things - the many, many things - he's done wrong, rather than attempting to blame him for all the world's woes?
\r\nOh, and while I'm at it: yet again, supply-side tax cuts work.
\r\n Go, go, Gipper, go go go.
\r\nAs you've all no doubt heard me say numerous times before: "You have more pies if you take a tenth each of fifty pies than you do if you take a fifth each of five."
\r\n For those of you math challenged / liberal, 50/10 = 5. 5/5 = 1.
\r\nYou wouldn't think that's so hard to grasp, yet CEOs, CFOs, Democrats, and Burger King seem unable to grasp it.
\r\n(The Burger King reference is from an event that happened to me personally. Burger King ran a promotion earlier in the year - yes, this year - where they sold their Whopper sandwich for about half what they usually charge. I asked them; they were making a tidy profit on each sandwich at that price. They also outsold their previous sales records by a landslide. At the end of a month's time, the price went back up, and predictably, people went back to not eating at Burger King. The branch manager said - no, I'm not kidding - "I don't understand it, it's like they quit liking our food.")
\r\nOh, and I'd like to add a note. The story blaming the President for the Zidane headbutt? The author is so grossly underintelligent - and yet they let him write a column - that he says, stridently, "If guys dressed as Mohawk Indians dumped tea in a harbor as a protest today, which side do you think the administration would be on?"
\r\nNewsflash, genius. The LEGALLY CONSTITUTED GOVERNMENT at that time - and please note, there was none of this "he stole the election" crap, King George WAS the legitimate ruler - was against it last time.
\r\nAnd yet somehow this government should be FOR it?
\r\nA brief education in the ways of government, my friend. Government takes power; it does not give it up. It acquires control; it does not relinquish it.  No government has ever existed in human history that did not attempt to strengthen itself, ultimately to the detriment of its citizens. EVER. However sterling the motivation, giving increased power to a government is always, universally, and without exception, a mistake.
\r\nAnd ultimately, governments are replaced in one of two ways: conquest from without, or revolt from within. No government in history has EVER fallen in any other way; they are removed by force, be it military or economic. A government can become so corrupt that it collapses - revolt from within; it can be taken by coup - revolt again; it can be conquered militarily - conquest; or it can be brought down by economic means, such as the trade warfare committed against the Soviet Union by the U. S. in the 1980's - external conquest, all the same.
\r\nIt's looking more and more as though we should have cleaned house at home first, though; our internal corruption and bureaucratic inertia is so great that it may have turned our economic conquest of Russia into a Pyrrhic victory of sorts.