Saturday, September 16, 2006

Now I'm Convinced. The Apocralypse Is Upon Us.

And no, it's not a misspelling. It's an obscure fictional reference. Go look it up.

Why do I say that it's upon us?

Because Ted Kennedy, my FAVORITE Senator, drunken know-nothing, inept pork-barrel-carrying special-interest-worshipping jackhat, has done something that...

Makes sense.

*Pause for gasps of shock and horror*

You may not have heard of the debate surrounding Net Neutrality; if so, you have your head in the sand, but that's up to you.

Net Neutrality is simple. It is the premise that Google, just as an example, pays all the fees it needs to when it pays for its internet access every month. It is the notion that the 'net should NOT be governed by huge telecommunications companies whose vested interest lies in the pockets of their stockholders.

It is the concept that those companies should not be allowed to squeeze out their competition by raising the bandwidth bill for their competition until the competition is shut out.

At its heart, it is a free speech issue. And so, with shock and horror of my own, I bring you the most cogent opposition to the current spate of anti-neutrality legislation yet uttered of which I am aware - courtesy of Senator Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts.

\r\nThat, sir, may be the most intelligent thing you've ever said in your life. Despite all your many failings, I applaud you for it, and especially for the enormously public manner in which you chose to say it.
\r\nAnd if you are using it as an election-year grandstand play, which I have no doubt you are, I hope your failure to stand by it, and the enormously public manner in which you chose to say it, take you out of office forever.