Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Great 360 Playlist Challenge.

So, I have friends. Not as many as some, but quite a few nonetheless.

And today has been sort of a day for theme music.

So: I've decided to create a playlist of music, with videos depending on YouTube, for my friends.

But Wait, There's More. â„¢

See, what I'm gonna do is one song per person, granted not for EVERYONE on my friends list, but for the ones I cross-comment with the most. You know who you are.

I'm not tagging anybody, or anything retarded like that; this is my idea, but if anyone else feels like doing the same thing, feel free. I was just thinking about how people are always saying that such-and-such song reminds them of so-and-so, and figured "Why not try it out?"

So, without further ado: The Great 360 Playlist.

April. Because even if there's no Amish where you are, you know EXACTLY what living in the sticks is all about.

\r\nBill. Because dammit, you just say anything that crosses your mind. And that should be applauded.

\r\nJim. Because if there's anyone who lives in his own world, dude, it's you - but you're interesting and cool anyway.

\r\nKJ. Because you're a total pervert, and EVERYONE wants you. BECAUSE you're a total pervert. That rocks.

\r\nLinda. Because yours is. And it's cool, and funny.

\r\nRina. Because you claim to be evil, despite the fact that you're actually just cool.

\r\nSamara. This was such a toss-up... this one, or Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap. This one edged it out.

\r\nSheila. This song only because I know this is your guilty pleasure band, or one of them anyway. You're way cooler than this song, IMO.

\r\nAmy. Because if there's anyone EVER, in ALL THE WORLD, who's familiar with the subject of this song, it's you, babe.

\r\nWendy. Because you always make me laugh, and if there's anything sillier than this song, I've never heard it.

\r\nAnd last, but most definitely not least, Tara. Because you have; you do; you will; and most likely, you are right now.

\r\nIf you're not on this list, don't think I don't care; it's most likely just that I wanted a videos-only list and couldn't find a video for you.