Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Movie Game

The challenge is to come up with ten movies that start with the same letter.

The catch is that I assign you a letter, just like Stanggirl assigned mine. If you want one, say so in the comments.

I got "M."

So, we'll start with two from Fritz Lang:


And Fritz' best-known film,


Since Metropolis was sci-fi, there's:

Mission To Mars.

That movie was pretty action-y, though, so that leads me to:


and since that was also sorta a mystery, we find:


which, since it's a thriller, leads us to:

The Manhattan Project,

which since it was only notionally thrilling and mostly comedy, leads to:

Miami Vice,

oh, wait, that was serious? Really? Well, in any event, it leads us to:

Monster House,

And from there to an Ally Sheedy classic,

Maid To Order,

and last but not least to Samuel L. Jackson:

Menace II Society.

All things eventually come back to Sam, at least in the movies.

As an additional challenge, I'd hope that anyone who gets a letter from me would at least TRY to get one of his many, many movies in their list.