Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Worst. Driver. Ever.

Ok. We all know that the government, regardless of country, uses computers to track your tickets and moving violations, right?

What if you got so many moving violations, all in a short span of time, that the computer that was supposed to revoke your driver's license crashed trying to track them all?

Only in Australia, right? Right.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring you Philip Charles Mounfield, the worst driver on the planet.

The twenty-four-year-old motorist has been charged with speeding nineteen times, driving a defective vehicle on eleven occasions, "causing undue noise" twelve times, performing burn-outs three times, careless driving twice and street racing once. He has even been charged with both extremes -- driving at 28 MPH over the limit, and driving significantly under the limit on the freeway. Other accusations include red light running, illegal turns, driving with a cell phone, and allowing a passenger to ride without wearing a seatbelt.
That litany of disaster resulted in the computer that Australia uses to track driving violations crashing during the process of trying to revoke his license, which allowed him to reduce 121 license points and $10,000 in fines to what's called a simultaneous suspension, which means that he drove so badly that they revoked his license 4 times, but let him run out all 4 at the same time, effectively reducing his penalty to one temporary suspension.

Damn that's hot.