Saturday, April 01, 2006

The Worst Corporate Assreaming, Ever.

You gotta love it when you're going broke but you have good lawyers.

Background first:

Alcatel is a French telecommunications company, which of late has been beleaguered by competition of increasing stiffness, largely due to the fact that Alcatel's R&D department sucks,  with a capital $.

Lucent Technologies was, at one time, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hewlett-Packard Co., and originally formed to R&D and manufacture more efficient modems. They expanded to  design and manufacture of all levels of telecommunications hardware, and were spun off by HP into a separate corporate entity a few years ago.

However, Lucent is a little strapped for cash, since the latest round of patent lawsuits has kind of beaten them down, and their expertise has become their marketable commodity.

A match made in heaven, you say? Alcatel's $$ in exchange for a proven R&D team and a manufacturing unit of reputable stature? What a great idea!

Which is why Alcatel is buying Lucent.

Here's where things get interesting. Somehow, despite the fact that this is a straight buyout by Alcatel, the Lucent Tech lawyers owned their ass. Literally. Under the terms of the buyout deal, the board of directors will consist of:

  • 7 board members from Alcatel
  • 7 board members from Lucent
  • 2 board members "from Europe" to be appointed at a later date
  • the board chairman, who does not get a vote.
The board chairman, it works out, will be the current CEO of Alcatel. Go back up and look at the part where he doesn't get a vote.

The new company's CEO will be the current CEO of LUCENT.

This is like if you bought my company, got demoted, relegated to a non-voting administrative position - a glorified secretary, in specific - and I replaced you, after you paid for the privilege.


Lucent, remind me not to get sued by you for any reason at all, ever. You'd probably end up owning my wife.