Friday, April 21, 2006

Another Edition Of: OMG, You Are SO Stupid.

So, first, in a fit of creative genius and determination to make only the most complete social reject dorks work there, Best Buy renames its tech bench crew "the Geek Squad."

This reaches a height of corporate coprophilia not previously seen, ever.



So, the Geek Squad uses software, diagnostic software, to figure out what's wrong with your computer, because real, we-actually-know-what-we're-doing-and-can-get-a-real-tech-job geeks refuse to work for $8/hour, and thus Best Buy can only hire people who know that the Internet is "what you use AOL for, LOLZ!!1!"

Specifically, for a long time, they've used Winternals, a decent software suite if you can't figure these little things out for yourself.

However, recently, Winternals' owners asked Best Buy for more money for their products, and Best Buy, always a genius at cutting costs in the wrong places, said "um, thanks, but no. KTHXBYE."

Then, in the best spirit of saving money, Best Buy decided not to replace the Winternals software at all; instead, they instructed their Geek Squad crews to continue using the software despite it being unlicensed.

You guessed where I'm going next, right?


So, you were right. Best Buy is getting sued by Winternals, because they committed copyright infringement on a massive scale.

Now, being as Best Buy is a bunch of ruthless beancounters, you know what they're going to do, right? They're going to say "it wasn't company policy to do this, bad employees! No donut!" or, more accurately, "No lunch break! Only one person per department to close!"

Then, they're going to hang this on a few, select Geek Squad managers, thus further ensuring the devolution of their tech bench down the food chain to complete crap .

After which they will continue to use the software anyway, until they get busted again.