Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I Bring You - The Anarchist Ice Cream Truck!

You think I'm kidding.

I never kid. Goat, maybe, but kids are off-limits.

This guy has gotten a grant from the Hallmark family - one of their members runs a foundation supporting "art," - to buy and refurbish a vehicle into what the owner, Aaron Gach, calls the "Tactical Ice Cream Unit," which in addition to "anarchist ice cream flavors," whatever that means, also contains military grade armor, police uniforms, video surveillance equipment, and gas masks.

The owner uses it to distribute pamphlets recommending such organizations as PROMO, the Black Panthers, the International Solidarity Movement (known to work with and fund Palestinian terrorists,)  and CAIR, known to fund and support Hamas.

Seriously. In addition to hideous ice cream flavors (chili mango, anyone? No? Then maybe hibiscus?) he hands out pamphlets advocating support of terrorist organizations to little kids.

Way to go™ Hallmark! Your greeting cards are not only shitty, overpriced garbage, but now they fund terrorist sympathizers! You. Are. Awesome.