Saturday, April 29, 2006

Vice President Cheney, You Greedy Bastard, You!

Contrary to the headline, this is not a story about V.P. Cheney being a huge piggy.

At all.

Rather, this is a story about media misrepresentation.

See, over the last few months, every time you turn around, the media has been vilifying Dick Cheney, with nary a positive story to be found. Currently, the big flap is about the fact that Cheney is rich. Now, realistically, is there a single member of Congress, the Supreme Court, the President's Cabinet, or the White House major staff that's NOT fantastically wealthy by normal standards? No, there is not.

But, Cheney is rich, and rich people = bad. So, the media has been rambling on, and on, and on about how much money Dick Cheney makes.

However, not word one on where it goes.

You wanna know?


That's right. For tax year 2005, Dick Cheney donated over 3/4 of his staggering income to various charities.  $6.87 million dollars, to be exact, the highest charitable donation by a U. S. public servant - ever. How heinous, and greedy of him. In fact, shame on you, Dick Cheney! Shame on you, sir!

No. Shame on the media, for lying through their teeth to the American people for the sake of an agenda. Shame on the media for slandering the nation's second-highest executive while ignoring the good he does. Shame on the media for ignoring the fact that Al Gore, when he was in Dick Cheney's job, donated a whole, scary $367 to charity.

I have no doubt that he has done many things in his life that were wrong; everyone has. But I am sick to death of the endless chain of negative stories in the media that conveniently forget to point out public figures on their team with the same failings; forget to point out the good done by their targets; and forget to have even a passing familiarity with the truth.

Isn't the TRUTH supposed to be their JOB?!?  

Edward R. Murrow is spinning in his fucking grave.