Let me just say, before we really get started: our nation's lawmakers are nutjobs. Of course, this is our fault; we elected them, and continue to do so, despite mounting evidence that they are monkeys.
I just want to point out that some of them deserve a PRIZE. Minnesota state Representative Bud Heidgerken, for example. Students in Minnesota are starting to have such a severe problem with non-english speaking professors at local colleges that they're actually pushing legislators to require a spoken English qualification before a professor begins teaching. Wait for it:
And while we expect college instructors to know their stuff, Heidgerken has another final exam in mind. As he put it, "To take a speak test, and only then, after they take a speak test, are they allowed to be in the classroom teaching."Good thing for Representative Heidgerken they don't have a similar requirement for the state legislature, eh?
Irish journalists gathered a few weeks ago to vote for various awards to be distributed by Magill magazine, including the "Survivor of the Year" award. One name sprang to mind immediately for the award: Denis Donaldson, who was for years a spy in the IRA for British Intelligence. Despite his cover being blown, and his admission that he had, in fact, sold the IRA down the river to the Brits for years, he's survived untouched.
You may, perchance, see where I'm going with this.
The very night Magill magazine was handing out the awards, the "Survivor of the Year" was blown away in his cottage by two shotgun rounds to his chest. Although the IRA denies any involvement, I think they just have a tiny sense of the absurd.
Now, as most of you know, I am a gamer. And most of my friends are also gamers; my friends and I, gamers all, typically spend good amounts of non-game time on the internet on gamer "community" websites and forums, discussing games. One of the things we loathe the most is advertising - it's fine on a webpage or TV commercial - gotta pay the bills somehow - but there's been a disturbing trend of late among game development companies to insert advertising content inside games, which just sucks. However, it may be time to get our own back. MindArk, the Swedish gaming studio that operates the online game Project Entropia, has released a public toolkit to allow gamers to create and post their own ads - inside the game. I can just see the "ALL J00 R T3H F@GG0TZ!!!LOL!!" billboards springing up everywhere, overnight.
You just have to love it when the cops, constantly accused of racism, sexism, insert-tribal-id-here-ism, prove it. It goes on the front page when the violations are so severe that they result in the county blocking access to the police union's website. Montgomery County has blocked access to the Montgomery County Fraternal Order of Police website based on defamatory, discriminatory comments made on the site's forums.
And on a non-ironic, totally unrelated, but far more important and far-reaching note: National Geographic has authenticated the Gospel of Judas Iscariot. Thought you might find that interesting.
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