This has got to be the single one dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard, ever.
Warren Township, Indiana.
Elliot Voge, age 14, a student at Stonybrook Middle School, was walking up to the school building after being dropped off in the morning by his carpool. It was a bit chilly, being March 3rd, so he stuck his hands in his coat pockets to keep them warm - and found his Swiss Army knife in his pocket. He had been whittling - you know, carving tiny useless trinkets out of wood - the night before, and had forgotten to leave it at home.
Following his school's "Zero Tolerance" policy, he entered the school building, went to the office directly inside the front door of the school, and turned the knife in to the school's treasurer, explaining what happened.
What a responsible young man! He knew the rules, and immediately complied with them when he realized he was in violation of them, despite the fact that the knife wasn't even his, it was his little brother's, and quite expensive. The school principal even noted that
throughout the entire investigation and student due-process, Elliott (sic) was a model student.Where, might you ask, did the principal annotate his good behavior? On his commendation for Doing The Right Thingâ„¢? Oh, no, my friends. This annotation was made by the principal on his Student Expulsion Recommendation.
That's right. The kid went right to the authorities and said "I made a mistake, and here it is;" and they went "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKK!!! A KNIFE!!!! YOU TERRORIST PIG!!!" and threw him out of school. Anybody wonder how long it'll be before any other kid admits breaking the rules? I mean, after all, you get the same penalty if you just plain get caught, right? So why bother being good, and following the rules, and stuff, if you get screwed either way?
Hopefully, Elliot's parents win their lawsuit.