Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A TRUE Hero. No, I Mean It. Why Are You Looking At Me Like That?

So, ok, there's this Italian brain surgeon named Claudio Vitale.

No jokes, please; this is a serious article.

Because a few nights ago, he saved a man's life.

Now, this is de rigeur for doctors; that's their job. So what makes this exceptional, you might ask?

Well, Doctor Vitale was performing neurosurgery on a patient, when he started to feel chest pains.

He informed his staff.

They advised him to stop.

He examined the patient, made the determination that the patient would die if he did not finish what he was doing.

So he finished the surgery while having a heart attack.

Afterwards, he was carted immediately to emergency surgery for an angioplasty.

Both he and the patient are recovering.

Neruosurgical work, over and above any other kind of surgery, requires steady hands. EVERYTHING in the brain is nerve tissue; EVERYTHING in the brain requires caution; EVERYTHING in the brain can be damaged by even the slightest tremor in the doctor's hands.

What kind of willpower does it take to have a fucking heart attack and not even let your hands shake?

Doctor Claudio Vitale, you, sir, are a hero. No ifs, ands, buts, or qualifications; you are a hero.