Monday, March 23, 2009

OK, You Morons Can Shut Up About Bush-Era Deficits Now, Officially

...Since your guy just proposed a budget that runs a deficit twice as high as the highest rate under the Bush Administration, and will create a TRILLION dollars in deficit spending each year for the next decade.

It's time to shut up now. Seriously.

I keep hearing this crap about how rosy things looked under the Clinton Administration, and how we immediately started running up deficits under President Bush; the people posting these things always seem to find the same chart, this bar graph that runs up to...


The thing is, the deficit had been almost entirely wiped away by early 2007; President Bush's attempts to control spending worked like a champ, and had nearly cleared the deficit even despite two wars and a national disaster, until the current mess - started by laws passed under Clinton - came along to pull the rug out from under everyone's feet.

So using a chart that purposefully ignores that fact is AT BEST disingenuous; at worst it is outright deceptive.

Right now, we are dealing with a budget with a projected deficit so vast it will double our national debt in ten years; consider that our national debt is currently higher than the Gross Domestic Product of the entire planet.

So can you guys just please shut the fuck up about deficit spending? You elected the greatest deficit spender in the history of the planet.