Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spring Is In The Air. And The Politicians, Too.

Who knew?

Seriously, who knew?

I mean, first, there's 76-year-old Senator Chuck Grassley (R-OFL) who's never demonstrated a sense of humor before in any public forum of which I am aware, coming out with this little gem:

Wow. The Senate Budget Committee Chairman, Senator Kent Conrad (61, D-OWNED) pwned by a 76-year old on national television.
"That's what your wife said last night."

But it's NOT just American politicians; if it were, I would say it was our climate of political intolerance in Washington. Noooooo. Look at the tongue-lashings being handed out across the pond:
Holy cow. Did he just say what I think he just said?

"You can't spend your way out of recession or borrow your way out of debt."

What's gotten into these guys, really?

Maybe Mike Gravel (79, L-OMGROFLWTF) is contagious.