Thursday, March 30, 2006

Never Burgle Without Scouting.

This is today's lesson, friends.

Never burgle without scouting.


Because the house you burgle may be hosting 17 sumo wrestlers, that's why.

And Konoshin Kawabata learned that valuable lesson the hard way, as his rummaging around in the house waked up the visiting sumo team, who promptly explained to him the meaning of the term "citizen's arrest" by bearhugging him until he collapsed in a tiny whimpering puddle. Ok, I admit, I'm guessing at that last part, but jailarity did indeed ensue. I can just picture it.

Oooo, look, shiny. *rustle rustle*

"Hey, WTF?!?"


"Hey look what I caught! It used to be a burglar!"