As if the PATRIOT Act wasn't bad enough.
Now there's a home version!
That's right: somebody made a PATRIOT Act board game.
Well, what does a PATRIOT Act board game play like? Let's see.
The object of the game is not to amass the most money or real estate, but to be the last player to retain civil liberties.Now, that's funny.
"I've had people complain to me that when they play, nobody wins. They say 'We're all in Guantanamo and nobody has any civil liberties left,' " he said. "I'm like 'Yeah, that's the point.' "
But wait, there's more!
Players roll the dice to determine how many civil liberties they start out with, accumulating them from a variety of categories: U.S. citizens get five; non-citizens one. Whites and Asians get five; Arabs one. Ultra right-wingers get six; Democrats three or four.Now, I must admit that I'm curious as to which civil liberties "right-wingers" enjoy that Democrats don't, but still. Love it. Download it. Play it.
Try if you can to ignore the rest of the leftist wack-job yammering on the site; unfortunately some people are still hung up on "Saddam had no WMDs" which we discussed not too long ago, and "Bush lied," which he didn't.
Attention Democrats: Why the FUCK can't you manage to get mad at Bush for the things he HAS done wrong? Why are you so married to the idea that he was wrong about things that he patently wasn't wrong about? If all of you stop sticking your fingers in your ears and yelling "LALALALALA" when people point out that Iraq is in fact pretty much a win for us, and instead start yelling about the PATRIOT Act, which is what you should have been mad about all along, you MIGHT have gotten something done by now.
But then, that requires thought; and sadly, too many people, on either side of the aisle, find that to be too much of a challenge, and so don't bother.
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