Tuesday, March 21, 2006

You Won't Be Surprised To Know...

...That the media's trying to cover up their bias, along with their total, abject failure to determine the truth, because they can't admit they were wrong.

Remember a few days ago I reported that Saddam did, in fact, have WMDs after all?

Well, nobody else is reporting it.

Apparently the notion that the President lied about it is faaaaar more important than, say, the TRUTH about what happened. However, thanks to the internet, the word is gradually getting out, and sites like NewsMax are starting to wonder why the MSM haven't said a word yet. I wonder how bad the fallout will be for the MSM once they finally admit it - and it comes out that the bloggers beat them to it by weeks?

Hopefully very bad indeed.

See, the purpose behind journalistic freedom is to allow the public to know the truth - not the bias, to either side - about current events. If the MSM is going to exist as a giant political action group, rather than as reporters, they should be allowed no greater freedom than any Washington lobbyist. The whole point of "the people have a right to know" implies that WHAT they have a right to know is the TRUTH, not lies.

And before anyone tries to say it, don't. There is such a thing as "the truth" which exists outside of your opinions. People's perspectives on events may be different, true, but that doesn't change the facts of the events.