Friday, April 13, 2007

Remember That "100 Days" Thing? You Didn't BELIEVE Them, Did You?

Would you like to know what the newly-elected Democratic majority in control of Congress has done in their first 100 days?

I mean, since that was their whole campaign, you know, "in the first 100 days we will completely unfuck everything the Republicans have fucked up," and all that?

Because I remember promises about minimum wage, about college loans, about implementing the 9/11 Commission's recommendations, about stem cell research, about the budget, accountability, Iraq, all sorts of stuff.

The Speaker of the House's website loudly touts their "success" in this regard.

The problem, you see, is that after 100 days of them being in charge, none of this has actually become law. And despite all the blathering, until it becomes a law, it doesn't count.

To date this year, 17 laws have been passed.

That's it; seventeen.

Wanna know what they were?

Well, here's a list, if you want to read it yourself.

The abridged version is as follows:

  • 6 bills to rename Post Offices after various people;
  • 2 bills to rename courthouses, including the Rush Limbaugh United States Courthouse; (?!)
  • 1 bill to rename a Federal Building;
  • 1 bill to rename a National Recreation Area;
  • 1 bill to build a road in St. Louis County, Missouri; (isn't that Missouri's job?)
  • 1 bill to agree that making NATO even bigger is a great idea;
  • 1 bill to revise the composition of the Congressional Page Board;
  • 1 bill asking for even more money in "appropriations;"
  • 1 bill giving a 6-month extension to the Small Business Investment Act of 1958;
  • 1 bill amending the Antitrust Modernization Commission Act of 2002;
  • 1 bill adding new dates to Public Law 105-331, which requires commemorative coins to be minted for the sesquicentennial of Thomas Edison's birth.

Boy howdy. That there is a passel of great legislative work.

Of course, absolutely NONE of it relates even slightly to the promises made by the Democrats. Does this honestly surprise anyone?

Incidentally, I would note that President Bush STILL has yet to veto a single bill. EVERY SINGLE ITEM OF LEGISLATION EVER SET BEFORE HIM HAS BECOME LAW.

Which means, if it ain't on the above list, it's because Congress hasn't sent it to him.

And people wonder why I'm a cynic.