Monday, January 29, 2007

You Only Wish Your Wedding Party Was This Much Fun

...Because it wasn't, I promise.


What did you do?

A slow dance?

"Party games"?

You didn't do anything that was this much fun - or this funny - and I assure you that 99% of you guys couldn't do what the groom did in a million years.


Now THAT is one dude who watched that music video tooo many times, IMO.

But still. I know you wish you had had that much fun at your wedding.

Just for comparison, and maybe for the nostalgia...

...He ain't no Michael Jackson, maybe, but the groom can dance.

Oh, the 80's cheese.

It's odd how iconic that video is. You may not even remember ever seeing it, but I bet you recognized the dance - and the song - immediately, didn't you?

It's pervaded popular culture to an extent you really wouldn't believe.

It's even invaded gaming. For example:

The female Necromancer's "/dance" emote, from Guild Wars.

That, friends and neighbors, is a legacy. Regardless of all the horrible things Jackson has done, and will no doubt do some more of, he will always be remembered for that video. I suppose there are worse forms of immortality, hmmm?