Sunday, January 07, 2007

More Video Goodness, But Mildly NSFW. You Have Been Warned.

Ok, seriously, there's nothing too offensive here, but it's not really appropriate for work, you know?

Anyway, a while back Saturday Night Live had Justin Timberlake host.

Astonishingly, they actually did one sketch that was really funny, although it didn't make it on air uncensored.

It DID, however, make it to YouTube uncensored, and here it is:

Now, sometimes, you see something on TV that just inspires you to do something.

This time, this particular SNL sketch inspired one girl to make a video response, which I thought was inspired and clever, so here, without further ado, is her reply:

Now THAT's funny.

Also, she's hot. But that video is quite amusing, I thought.

So I shared.

Have a great day!