Monday, May 22, 2006

Oh No, Not Another Rant About Immigration!

Oh, yes, yes it is.

This has been a banner month so far!

We've had the "America Without Immigrants" protest, which I'm sure made many, many ILLEGAL immigrants feel warm and fuzzy, for about two weeks - until just recently the House and Senate each passed (differing versions of) a bill to make English the official language of the USA for the first time; said bill will also require immigrants to learn English to become citizens, and from what I understand would make it very, very difficult for non-English speakers to get work visas. It will also provide for an option for ILLEGAL immigrants who wish to stay in the USA: huge, crippling fines - like, say, equal to all the income taxes you SHOULD have been paying on your wages from all those under-the-table jobs - or deportation.


But now, even though that is truly the world record holder for "protest backfire," I have to admit I've found a new hero in life, and it's for a single quotation.

See, gradually even our dim bulb Congressmen (and women, let's not forget that women can be dumbfucks too,) can recognize something when it's staring them right in the face. Well, if their constituents get pissed off enough about it, anyway.

So: I bring you the truth about immigrating into Mexico. KJ talked about this a week or two ago; well, finally some Associated Press reporters have gotten on the bandwagon, and it's about time. This story casts - and I say again, it's about time - the Mexican immigration policies, and their blatant hypocrisy in the face of Mexican demands for changes to OUR immigration policy, in a VERY negative light indeed. But, as I said, there's one standout: my new hero, J. Michael Waller, of the Washington Center For Security Policy, for the following quote:

If American policy-makers are looking for legal models on which to base new laws restricting immigration and expelling foreign lawbreakers, they have a handy guide: the Mexican constitution.
Ouch. Why is it that when we talk about elected officials, we're almost always talking about retarded jackasses, but when we come up with someone obviously smart and well-informed, like Mr. Waller, they're working for some think tank somewhere whose function though undoubtedly vital is sufficiently unglamorous that we've never heard of it before? Hmmm?

