...you may remember me saying a couple of days ago that global warming was basically a big pile of horsecrap. Or you may not - everybody seems to have missed that post. Anyway, I did.
Well, I'm not the only one. The National Center for Policy Analysis just released a report about the GROWING HUGE RISK OF GLOBAL WARMING EVERYBODY PANIC OMGWTF!!!
In it, they state flatly that:
Global warming alarmists have attributed increases in hurricanes, floods, droughts, tornadoes, hail storms and heat waves to global warming caused by human activities. However, the evidence does not support their claims.They go on to say that:
Some have attempted to link the present warming trend to secondary effects, such as species extinction. However, the relationship between species extinction and climate change is even more tenuous.They then follow that shocker up with this:
It has also been claimed that low-lying coastal areas are endangered due to rises in sea level as the Arctic pack ice, glaciers and the mile-thick Greenland Ice Sheet melt in a warming climate. However, the evidence does not show this is occurring:They then finish the bitchin' combo move by adding this knockout punch:
The complexity of the climate and the limitations of data and computer models mean projections of future climate change are unreliable at best. In sum, the science does not support claims of drastic increases in global temperatures over the 21st century, nor does it support claims of human influence on weather events and other secondary effects of climate change.Which means that despite the arrogance of the "environmental action" groups, human beings cannot affect the weather at our current level of technology.
But Wait, There's More!â„¢
They go on to point out that the estimates of future climate impact that have thus far been publicized are flawed, and additionally that the estimates were intentionally based on the MOST ALARMIST PROJECTIONS AVAILABLE:
Thus, the results of the National Assessment are biased in that the extreme Canadian model was considered, but not the numerous models that suggest only modest warming.In fact, they pretty much out-and-out call the whole environmental lobby intentional liars and their conclusions delusional bullshit.
A report submitted for the National Assessment added further doubt to the Hadley Center and Canadian model predictions. The report compared real-world observations with important atmospheric and surface variables used in the Hadley Centre and Canadian models to simulate present-day conditions. Over North America, both models tend to show greater changes in air temperature and precipitation than actual observations. In fact, the Canadian model predicts that the United States should have warmed 2.7° F during the 20th century — 10 times more than the observed increase of about 0.25° F.
For precipitation, the Hadley Centre model and the Canadian model produce the two most extreme projections of changes for the United States — twice the estimates of other models. In particular, the models’ simulations predict present-day precipitation that differs from actual observations by as much as 100 percent!
Furthermore, both models predict high-pressure systems and winter storms that are much more intense than those we are currently experiencing. They also predict current temperatures for the upper atmosphere (between about 5 km and 20 km in height) that are colder than observed temperatures.
Since these models cannot accurately replicate current climate conditions, it is difficult to place much faith in their projections of future climate in a greenhouse gas-enhanced world. Since the National Assessment relied on these models exclusively, its conclusions are suspect.
But just in case you missed their point, they decided to make it clear:
In general, our climate has and will continue to exhibit intricate patterns not reliably reproduced by global climate simulations, thus underscoring their scientific incompleteness — and lack of reliability for prediction of future climate scenarios.In other words, folks, we still can't predict the climate, so Al Gore and the Clintons desperately, cryingly need to STFU about it.