I've said before that actions have consequences, often quite different from - or even totally unrelated to - your original intent.
One of the phenomena noted in the United States by entomologists in recent years is a rapid decline in honeybee populations; in fact, it has been until recently considered quite the mystery.
Until some scientists in India noticed their honeybee populations dropping as well, and started some experiments - which proved that the cause of honeybee decline is...
*drumroll please*
Cell phones.
No, I'm not kidding; I never kid.
The electromagnetic emissions from cell phone repeater towers scramble honeybees' navigation, causing worker bees out looking for food to simply get lost and wander off - rapidly leaving the colony worker-free. In fact, it's possible to prevent workers from returning to their hive properly simply by putting an active cell phone near the hive.
This can kill a bee colony in as little as ten days.
Now for the evolution part.
Now that this threat is identified, keep an eye on the news.
Who wants to bet on a new subspecies of bee that is unaffected by cell phones showing up in the next couple of years, hmmmm?
I can't wait for the argument - when that almost inevitably happens - that those bees were created in secret by God 5,000 years ago and we've never seen them because they were hidden away until we needed them.
...Or that they developed through a process that proves evolution doesn't work because it is irreducibly complex.
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Unintended Consequence, And Evolution
ANGRILY SCRIBBLED BY: Xeno at 9/01/2009 03:04:00 AM
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