The people who do - and don't - care about you, that is.
For reasons that those among you with reason to know, already know, I have been having a very, very tough time for the last month or so. Not all of that is current events; things from my past have been haunting me, and generally making my life about as much fun as...
...Well, ok, not fun at all.
In particular, one multiply'er noticed, and pestered me with staggeringly annoying (that's a joke, dude,) and irritatingly persistent (that's not a joke, dude) questions about my well-being, until I promised an explanation for my recent twitchiness.
...That muscle, there, right under my eye, you know.
...And that thing where my neck goes.
But current events intervened - namely the fact that my computer is suffering some kind of creeping psychosis that causes it to randomly forget who I am and start screaming like a startled Alzheimer's patient when I come into the room - and so the explanation got put off.
...And then some more, and then again.
Finally, tonight, I just gave up and called the dude. (Yeah, Lee, you. *points finger* You.)
...Only I let him get drunk first.
Anyway, I told him both the past history - why I'm crazy, and why the current events of this month have made that more *ahem* evident than normal (or at least I like to flatter myself that this is so; the blue clown in the corner disagrees, but he always does) - and the current events that have been making me feel very tightly compressed.
...Neglected to mention that I am in fact basically ok, now, other than being poor, pissed off, and feeling like a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. (This is also known as "Friday" in some primitive cultures.)
So, predictably, my good buddy freaks out and goes all "are you SURE you're not going to commit suicide, or explode, or set yourself on fire or something?"
....Yeah. Wouldn't that HURT?
So, anyway, things wind down, he goes off to do something better left *ahem* in private.
...And then calls me back for one more go-round of "are you really ok? You know you can call if you need to talk."
Y'all know what?
That's a friend.
That's honest concern for my well-being, there, and regardless of whether I actually, at this specific point in time, NEED it per se, I will always be grateful for it.
"Write something every day this week so I know you're ok."
...That might be a challenge with no access to a computer. Do scraps of illegibly-scrawled-upon-and-poorly-capitalized composition-book paper count? Because I'm pretty sure I can manage THAT trick.
...Next time I am gonna get you to switch to Tecate, instead of Corona, man.
But thank you for caring.