Wednesday, December 13, 2006

This Is No Doubt Of Little Interest,

...But while we were watching Talladega Nights and laughing our asses off, our baby woke up.

Decided he/she really likes Will Farrell.

And I got to feel him/her kick for the first time.

*Pause for awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww*

That movie, by the way, is DEFINITELY going onto our DVD shelf. AWESOMELY quotable.

If you haven't seen it, for god's sake go rent it. It's almost as good as Anchorman, and that says a lot - Anchorman is a high bar indeed.

I gotta say two things about Talladega Nights.

#1. "I gotta stop the invisible fire that's hurtin' my friend!"

#2. His dad = my dad. Getting thrown out of Applebee's for the Crotchety Old Man Victory.