Sunday, November 19, 2006

ITP: I Discover That I Am An Intellectual Cripple And Should Be Ashamed.

I admit freely that I'm not the world's smartest man, but I do try to keep a relatively level head most of the time.

However, I have been pretty decisively outclassed, pretty much for good. And so have you.

A kid named Thiago Olson, of Rochester Hills, Michigan, pretty much pwned all of us. And now I feel like a dumbass.

You know the cliche: teenager goes out for the science fair, builds something cool in his garage out of spit and baling wire and the grudging support of his parents, who wish he would find a nice girlfriend. His "experiment," despite its humble origins, turns out to be world-changing in some dramatic way, and he wins admiration, the respect of his parents, and usually a fairly presentable girl along the way.

You've seen October Sky. Or if you haven't, you should; it's really a very good movie - and it's actually true.

So, it may be a cliche, but sometimes it's an accurate one.

This is one of those times.

But enough with the futzing around. This excellent example of Middle America built a working nuclear FUSION reactor in his garage. He is only the 18th person in the world outside a laboratory to ever have created a successful fusion process. Ever.

He is on the track team; plans to go to college; and eventually wants to work for the government.

I'd say that's a damn fine resume you have there, kid. Keep up the good work.