Thursday, November 09, 2006

*Insert Cool Election-Related Title Here*

...Or, better yet, don't.

Because we, as a nation, and a franchised electorate, failed.

We failed to utilise a profound opportunity to enact meaningful, fundamental change in our political system. And we are going to suffer for it.

Those of you who just couldn't WAIT for the Democrats to take office are probably going "WTF?"

I'll explain.

There are five political parties of any significance in this country. Not just the Republicans and Democrats we're all familiar with; there are also the Libertarians; the Reformers; and the Green party.

Those last three have thus far been successfully kept out of major political debates by the two major parties; they have been drowned out in a sea of two-party only funding; and they have been denied any major office.

I find it interesting that we can elect "independents," but not Libertarians or Reformers.

I personally disagree with just about everything the Green Party wants, and since I'm not one to take the route of "they might be wrong but they've gotta be better than..." I don't really like the idea of them getting elected to any office, anywhere.

But I am a registered Libertarian. And I am realizing that if ever I can find a job with some kind of stability, I am going to be donating a lot of my time and effort to their cause.

Because we, as an electorate, failed.

We elected "meet the new boss, same as the old boss."

Over the last three decades, both the Republicans AND the Democrats have proven, time and again, that they are unfit to hold public office, across the entire spectrum of both parties as they exist today.

I am prepared to believe that Republicans and Democrats who are NOT corrupt, grafting, pork-barrel-spending, often drunken, wastrel yahoos exist, somewhere.

None of whom have held public office, as far as I know.

The current membership of both parties as they exist in public office is a tapestry of idiocy, drunkenness, sexual perversity - which is all well and good as long as it's consenting adults and not in public office, but becomes a problem when it's kids and IN public office - bribe-taking, corruption, greed, shafting the constituents, ignoring the voters' issues, existing in office for purposes of pursuing re-election, and stealing the public blind.

So, we ousted one batch of crooks for a different batch of crooks. Woooo!

We ought to be profoundly delighted. After all, all those who say that voting for the Democrats is voting for terrorists are just plain wrong, aren't they?

Well, unless you ask Al-Qaeda. Al-Qaeda thinks it's fucking WONDERFUL that the Democrats won.

I wonder why that is.

I wonder why we are supposed to be happy with any electoral outcome that results in celebration among the ranks of OUR FUCKING ENEMY.

I wonder why we're supposed to think it's good, when nearly every country that's been bitching about our troops being in Iraq reverses course overnight and starts shrieking for us to stay longer - as soon as there's a hint in the wind that we might actually pull out, as opposed to giving it lip service.

I wonder why the Iraqis are fucking terrified.

I mean, after all, this is what they wanted, right? That's what the media's been telling us for nearly four years; the Iraqis can't WAIT for us to go home. That's why the Iraqis say things like, well, this:

"If it was up to the Democrats, we would still be living under Saddam's tyranny," Tariq said in an interview Wednesday in the Sadoun Street shopping district. "I'm afraid that this change is going to affect the American presence in Iraq. I don't want them to leave."

The Democrats are starting things off right,at least: They're going to subpoena everyone on the planet, as far as I can tell, except Iraqis and American military personnel, to testify as to why the Iraq war is fucked up.

Not that either of those exclusions might be important.

And the Democrats are so CLUED-IN, too. It's impressive. Right after Howard Dean, acting as DNC chairman, manages to engineer victory for the Democrats in both Houses of Congress, the rank-and-file want to get rid of him, because they don't want him to scream in public again. I'm just kidding; it's because they think he didn't help them win both Houses of Congress ENOUGH.

People have been asking me for three days what I think about the election.

I'll tell you.

What a clusterfuck.

I would put up a poll, but I can't think of anything that accurately expresses the pure, unadulterated OMGWTFalarity that this election displayed.

The New York Daily News could, though.

I've voted in quite a few elections. I've never seen both sides send lawyers to watch the polls.

Despite the Democrats winning, the election was rigged, anyway, they say.

Not that they're wrong; the Diebold voting machines required by the Help America Vote Act - authored and sponsored by Democrats after the 2000 and 2004 elections didn't go their way - feature software written by an embezzling computer hacker; one, in fact, who was convicted of 23 counts of felony Theft in the First Degree.

Not that the voters seemed to care; they just hate the Diebold machines. Some of us more than others. (In answer to several queries about this: THIS IS NOT ME. I'm not even 40 yet. Although it does sound suspiciously like me. Billbear? Was that you?)

What a fucking joke. A sad, sick, pathetic joke.

Hopefully for the next election we come to our senses. Maybe two years of Democratic corruption and stupidity will remind voters why they ousted the Dems in the first place. And maybe, just maybe, next time they'll elect someone who might make a difference. Someone we haven't tried before. Or maybe even the right folks for the job.

We sure as fuck didn't this time.