Sunday, October 01, 2006

Yet Another (Very Brief) Actual Conversation

So, we're watching movie trailers.

There's a new movie from the wrestling guys.

It stars John Cena. It's cheesy, as you can only expect from the WWE, but there's lots and lots of things that go "BOOM!" in it, so the cheese can be overlooked.

The trailer is here.

So, I say:

"That might be watchable."

Tara says:

"If they made a movie with John Cena and the Rock both, they'd make all kinds of money. The guys would go see it because it would be non-stop ass kicking, and the girls would go because they'd drool so much they'd need sponges in the aisles of the theater."

I actually clapped at that one.

Then I opened 360, and went to this page, and she vowed never to speak to me again. C'est la vie.