Ok, bad news first and then good news.
I apparently have developed a stalker of the same ilk as Lee's perennial "friend." One of my soon-to-be officially ex-wife Tara's friends decided that I am a prick, and so they messaged me, Kelli, and all of Kelli's entire family on Facebook to tell everybody what a lying, scheming, backstabbing bastard I am. I have no idea whether their methods will extend to multiply, but it's better to be prepared; proper prior planning prevents piss-poor performance. Besides, some of you are friends with me on FB as well, so you might get to join the love-in just because you're there.
Their plan met with some opposition based in the fact that Kelli was talking to both me AND Tara during our breakup, and thus knows for a fact that everything this person says is totally untrue, and thus the impact of this so far has been, basically, that Kelli and I are both massively pissed off, and gathering evidence to try to take it to the police.
One of my favorite bits...
Well, let me tell you a bit of personal history. I'm not telling you this, by the way, to gain personal sympathy, but to illustrate a point; this all happened years ago.
Back in the day, I was dating - then engaged to - a lovely girl. She was pregnant when I met her, and had been abandoned by the father.
She had a daughter, named Aurora; she and I got more serious and got engaged, and we planned for me to adopt Aurora when we got married. I helped raise her; in every sense but the biological, she was my daughter.
While I was deployed for the pre-Kosovo train-up, Aurora, then 18 months old, got sick; it turned into pneumonia, and she died before I got back from the FTX.
My then-fiancee was understandably distraught, and reacted by basically packing up everything we had that she had any remote claim to and moving away to points unknown two days after I was sent overseas.
You may guess that I was a bit fucked up by this.
You'd be right.
Now, the point of my telling you guys this - since some of you don't know me well enough to really care, nor should you have any good reason to - is that the mysterious harasser has decided to include, in their blathering screeds against my moral character, a rant about how I love to tell people stories about my daughter Aurora, but it's all lies because I never had a daughter.
Technically, this is true; I have only one biological child.
I'm not sure that you can really describe what I feel when I have to tell people - and there aren't many I have told - about Aurora, and why the last week of July (she died on the 25th,) is kinda rough for me, is "love."
I don't love to tell that story.
But I like it even less when someone who evidently knows some of my personal history through some means decides to spread bullshit stories about me to try to get me in trouble.
The point of this is to tell you in advance that some of you may get messages from this person, whoever they are; please feel free to forward to me any correspondence you receive of this type; I'd love to have it, as we're planning to go to the police and get this person some real-world negative consequences.
There's no use assassinating my personal moral character; I freely admit - to anyone I meet - that I haven't any. But that doesn't make anything this person says true, either.
So if they message you, feel free to go nuts on them; but please pass along anything they send you.
If they don't message you, great! Congratulations, you have managed to avoid being involuntarily dragged into the fucking trailer-park soap opera my ex is trying to turn my life into, and I bless you for your good fortune; I hope it continues unabated.
On to the previously mentioned good news; for those of you who don't know but do care, I am gainfully employed, once again in retail.
You know retail; they never hire full-time; they hire part-time, give you a crazy schedule, and expect you to put in your time as the FNG before they put you on full-time, assuming you don't do anything retarded in the meantime.
Well, they've decided to move me up to full-time before my assessment period is even over.
When I started - I sell electronics - my department's "attachment" rate was 24%; that means that for every major electronic device we sold, we had a 24% chance of making customers take extra stuff with it.
At the end of my first month, it was at 45%.
Other than adding me, there have been no other changes to my department.
At the end of my second month - yesterday - the numbers for July came out; our attachment rate is now 83%.
Other than adding me, there have been no other changes to my department.
Which means that, according to the numbers, I attach 71% of the extras my whole department sells. (83, minus 24, is 59; divided by 83... Yeah, I did that right.)
So management likes me very, very much indeed.
Accordingly, I am getting full-time; getting the schedule I want; getting regular days off, or at least MORE regular (it IS retail...) and *drumroll please* in 4 more months I am eligible to take the exam for supervisor.
So, yeah. Good news.
My stalker told me, in her first message, that I should get a real job.
Workin' on it, there, chief.
I note that they don't mention the fact that my ex hasn't had a job in over 3 years.
*Shrug* When you're pissed off, especially when you're pissed off on someone else's behalf, and appropriating victimhood for all you're worth, only your intended victim's failures and bad judgments count, I suppose.
At any rate, there it is.