Monday, May 24, 2010

Socialized Medicine, In The Words Of Those Who Live Under It

One of the things I hear all the time, whenever the retarded Obamacare program comes up, is the argument that socialized medicine will be ok; "Just look at Sweden!"


Sweden - a nation with a total population smaller than New York City - hired, sans background check, a doctor famed in Norway for killing patients with temper tantrums in the operating theater, leaving patients with legs of different lengths (!) and having over 40 malpractice action against her.

And now that they know about her sinister background?

Here is socialist medicine in Sweden, in the words of those who live under it:

"having just ridden through my first encounter with the "lovely" Healthcare System in Sweden- with a HIP REPLACEMENT operation for my Swedish husband..

-I can only assure you- this is the absolute CRAP I feared the most.

you get no choice here of surgeons at all. HORRIFIES me beyond belief- unless you meet the guy and you reject him- then back you go on a waiting list for 6 months- or whatever ...

You have NO WAY of checking out his record at all- ( although, supposedly you are allowed to find out how many "infections" he has caused).....You are"assured that "all of our surgeons are EQUALLY QUALIFIED" - so a choice is not necessary.


This is TRULY one screwed up system- unless you think that adding in a little "Russian Roulette" to your surgical experience is a good thing?!?!

In Sweden- the Surgeon does not "work for you"- You are "his"- You listen to him- and you do not question or ask for a damn thing. You've had no choice. He is God- and you are just his little playtoy. The total opposite of the States- where you basically are able to review and querie a surgeon until you find one you like and are comfortable with.

Of course many are good here- but recall that we still have Dr. Mistook Fallopian Tube For the Appendix

and Dr. I Stitched the Bladder to the Large INtestine- from last year - still practicing here- neither of whom were reprimanded.

In the end- AFTER the SURGERY- they come in then and pat your hand( after they see you are breathing) and tell you- "yes, the Doctor that performed the Surgery was one of the Best In Sweden"

2 thoughts with that:

1.) there's ONLY 9 MILLION people here ,folks


2.) what? better than this new hire from Norway? that's impressive....

jeesh. nothing surprises me, at all , anymore.

I just hope I go quick, man....."