[*Edited to add: I have at this point one secondary confirmation and a whole stack of circumstantial evidence; I am digging. If you're reading this, get digging yourself; maybe we can generate enough interest to prove or disprove it. If it's true, we NEED a spotlight on it. NOW.*]
But if you notice, the news has been surprisingly reticent with actual details about the events on Deepwater Horizon, the causes of the rig going down, and the exact extent of the mess.
They can't even tell you the quantity of oil that's being pumped directly into the ocean.
What they don't tell you is that BP has had a submersible-mounted camera down at the actual leak to monitor the efforts at repairing it.
The link to the cam is here.
This is interesting indeed in context of what I am about to link you to.
See, yesterday, problems started out there, over and above the existing ones.
Sunday night, about 6 PM Central Time, another eruption of oil was visible on the Spillcam.
It didn't take long for the sea floor to goddamn collapse under the thing and release an eruption of oil so massive that the cameras were unable to even send images.
But what makes that really interesting indeed is that BP almost immediately cut off the camera feed - and replaced it with what looks like looped imagery from prior to yesterday's events, because no evidence of the damage clearly visible in the pictures (at the link here) is now visible on the Spillcam.
Based on that visible damage, and the images of the eruption, the magnitude of the disaster may now be beyond human capacity to repair.
The quantities of oil now being released into the ocean are literally incalculable.
So, good job, Obama Administration! Rather than require BP to pay for the cleanup and just getting on with repairing the goddamn thing, your inaction has now created possibly the greatest catastrophe in human history...
And your response, and that of the media, thus far, is to pretend it isn't happening.
[*Edited again to add a secondary source; this thread is people who are obsessive wackoes who have free time to do things like watch the BP oil feed 24 hours a day. Discussion of the events at the wellhead begins on the 7th post in the thread - at 5:41 PM Sunday.*]
Thanks for that link...it's looking absolutely chaotic!
About 15 minutes ago when I clicked the link (I was struggling to remember my password for this account since it's been a while since I posted -- still been lurking almost daily though)...
I could not believe what I saw. I cannot explain it but I definitely saw SPARKS burst across the camera's view, not just once, but twice...followed by orange-tinted clouds completely drowning the camera's angle. It looked like I had just witnessed the situation explode into severe turbulence of a whole 'nother magnitude. I was scrambling to get a screenshot when suddenly the view went completely dark for a couple minutes.
As I write this, the camera is now farther away from the gusher, and it's showing the "normal" oil/methane dual spewage.
Regardless, I've been looking at the live cams for the past week or so and it looks to me like the flow rate has intensified. If I had to give an estimate, I'd ascribe a roughly 30-50% increase in the flow rate I was used to seeing since the first video footage of this geyser was made available.
Just thought I'd share the disturbing experience, though I'm not sure what to make of it now.
Edited To Add: And now it looks even worse. This will go down as the worst oil "spill" in history and I think it's beyond hope of control at this point. If everything failed up to this point, the chances are even grimmer now. They're not going to stop this thing with any strategies they've currently set in place including the desperate "junk shot" idea scheduled for Tuesday -- this is just my opinion, of course, by all means don't abandon hope if you are more optimistic than I.
This is an unprecedented disaster of incredible proportions. It's not slowing down on its own, and as far as I can discern, the amount bursting out of that hole looks like it has practically doubled in comparison to the usual flow rate. I heard last week on MSM news (CNN) that BP had already used 1/3 of the world's supply of dispersants. So much harm being done to the GOM. The oil, methane, dispersants, and the hurricanes yet to come. The scale of this calamity induces a rollercoaster of emotions...shock, outrage, sadness...I feel immense grief for those being immediately impacted by this disaster...and I fear the effects will extend to the rest of us in due time as well.
To those of you living along the coast, in proximity to the various fumes drifting in the air and oil washing up along the shore...I know it's difficult, and ultimately a personal decision, but I would urge that you at least consider relocation if it is at all possible in your situation...much easier said than done, I'm aware, but it may become increasingly dangerous just staying where you are. I wish you the best...be safe.
I'm not an expert so all my opinions on the subject could be wrong; I'm just voicing my impressions of what I perceive to be a very dire outlook based on my observations.
There are apparently several ROVs down there, so there are several "live" feeds of the leak; I use quotes, because as of right now I am unable to find one that's date-stamped that's showing current footage.
That stream is showing footage from the 8th, as of the time I post this edit.
This one is showing the same footage as the BP one, but there's no date-stamp on either one so there's no way to tell if this is current footage or not.
Digging (And updating!) continues.