The War On Terror, whatever the media might think about it, isn't going away.
It's not even getting better, really, because we're happily undermining it as quickly as we can. See, we elected "the peacemaker," and as a result, those in the world who want to kill us, forcibly convert us to their religion, destroy our way of life, and such, have all stopped.
So despite the fact that they in fact didn't, we're cutting military funding AGAIN, despite the blatant hypocrisy of screaming at Bush that he didn't support the troops enough, and then cutting funding for those under-supported troops.
And why don't you whiner babies stay in Afghanistan just a few years longer, while we're at it; after all, if you come home, we'll have to listen to all of you telling us that we're wrong.
And stupid.
But that's ok, because our biggest threat is, in fact, not IN Afghanistan or Iraq; no, the biggest threat to America is right here at home.
Let me introduce you to someone.
His name is Shane Finn.
He's currently facing a tribunal for terrorism.
His anti-American activities have resulted in school teachers fearing for their lives, in Fulton County, Georgia.
He is autistic.
His care workers describe him as having the mental capacity of a third grader.
And he drew a stick figure image of himself shooting a teacher.
This is news. Really news.
For a reason not even mentioned in the article, not even discussed by the few media outlets talking about it. Even the conservative media is allllllll kinds of focused on the admitted injustice of charging an autistic 14-year-old with terrorism.
Nobody seems to have stopped to ask why.
Not why is he being treated as a hardened criminal by the school system (tribunal? Really?)
Why did he draw himself shooting a teacher?
A specific one; he put her name right on the drawing. Not "teacher," but her name.
This kid has an IQ of less than 75; functionally he is a slow third grader.
Third graders don't understand terrorism.
They sure do understand who they do and don't like, though, and this brings me to my question.
What kind of mistreatment has this teacher given this 14-year-old autistic kid to make him want to kill her? To make him FANTASIZE about killing her?
They want to cover this question up, bury it entirely, thus the idea to charge this child of diminished capacity with a FELONY, as an ADULT, before a MILITARY TRIBUNAL.
They sure don't want to answer this one: why are they hiring teachers who abuse autistic kids to the point where they issue death threats, hmmm?
Why haven't they fired the imbecilic teacher yet?
See, the SCHOOL BOARDS are the true threat to America.
I wasn't kidding, earlier, when I was talking about a true threat; when you teach kids that any dissension can result in a free trip to Gitmo, you have, in essence, created a citizenry just WAITING for tyranny.
They're teaching our children to EXPECT tyranny from their government; to EXPECT injustice and oppression; and they're trying to paint anyone who chooses to homeschool as some kind of extremist.
Fine. I am an extremist; I believe that the purpose and intent of this country's Constitution was to prevent the exact actions our government is now taking, for the specific reason that the Founders lived under that type of tyranny, and it sucked so badly they were willing to fight an outmanned, outgunned, outfunded war against their oppressors; a war they were afraid they'd lose, but were willing to die in - because living under that tyranny is worse than dying.
So this time, the oppressors are trying an end run; train the kids to expect oppression, and they won't rebel.
The fact that they're starting to try to prevent rebellions indicates that they are planning to do things which would occasion one.
Am I alone in thinking that that agenda is a bad idea?