Amidst all the furor over Arizona's SB1070, the much-ballyhooed immigration law that the public overwhelmingly supports despite their elected officials pitching a hissy fit about it, something seems to have been missed.
At issue, you see, is the provision of SB1070 that says that if you are stopped for breaking the law, and the officers become suspicious about your immigration status during the "lawful contact," they are required to check your immigration status to see if you are there legally, and if not, forward you to the appropriate federal agency for deportation.
Because sending people who break the law back where they came from is clearly racist.
After all, this unfairly targets Mexicans, despite the fact that cops routinely ask you for your documentation when they stop you for being enough of an idiot to break the law anyway.
So, there have been impassioned speeches by elected officials all over the country who clearly fully understand that having illegal immigrants in the United States means they have a huge pool of potential voters who are guaranteed to agree with them as long as they pander hard enough to the group of people in our society who provably contribute the least and endanger the elaborate system of social redistributionism those same leaders have promised everyone else here to buy THEIR votes.
Including by "statesmen" from California of all places.
Didn't I recall reading something about this?
Where DID I see such a provision in law prior to this series of events?
Could it be...
...No way...
The California Penal Code?
Would that be a Los Angeles city councilman threatening to boycott Arizona over a legal provision he's never protested in his own state, despite it being on the books there for decades?
Why yes. Yes it would indeed.
So, Councilman Reyes, since you claim that this law is de facto proof that Arizona is a hotbed of seething racists, and you've never done one single blessed thing to change or even acknowledge the identical law present in your state, what does that make YOU?