This was the day that our Congress decided that the Constitutionally-mandated process for passing a bill into law no longer applies to them.
Those of you fooling yourselves into thinking that this debate was even ABOUT healthcare, think again.
What this was about was the accountability of our elected officials to their constituents; they've declared, tonight, that they don't have any; that they are above the law, above the Constitution, and able to pass whatever law they see fit, provided they have a friendly President.
Historians, in later years, will mark tonight as the moment when the Constitution of this nation lost effect, and was thrown away entirely.
Without that Constitution, the citizens of this country have no protection whatsoever against the abuses of governmental power that are becoming more commonplace every day.
Just think; now, we will be FORCED to buy health insurance. Regardless of whether or not we can afford it. We will be FORCED to buy it in the way, and for the price, the government dictates.
There is no Constitutional mandate for Congress to dictate to private citizens what they can and can't buy.
The ignoranti are loudly and gladly proclaiming that this makes us "finally catch up to the rest of the world."
Exactly... With one problem.
For decades, the failing economies of the majority of the developed world have been propped up by the United States, both by direct support and by the use of our citizenry as a massive export market.
This is HOW they have paid for "universal health care" in most of the rest of the world.
Who will pay for us?
Who will prop up our economy?
For all the many failings the Republicans have, they at least know a catastrophe when they see one; the House Republicans all voted against this travesty.
Good for them. At least they are capable of understanding that the purpose of an elected representative is to represent his or her constituents; rather than deciding what's "best" for those constituents and then ramming it down their throats regardless of their opinions on the matter.
TODAY, I weep for the end of the nation I love.
TOMORROW, I look to see if there's any escape for me and my family; this tragedy is unstoppable now, and our great experiment has been destroyed by those who cannot allow people to be free; the statist scum who have been directly undermining the direct and specific intent and purpose of our Founders, all the while paying lip service to the good of the people.
By electing these clowns, the people proved they are fucking idiots.
And thus, deserve exactly what they voted for - and got.
for those of you who think I am exaggerating, or being melodramatic; you're welcome to think whatever you want. But when this country collapses entirely, under the weight of its own impossible debts, run up (in ONE YEAR!) by a man with no executive experience, an agenda of communism, and a good speechwriter because someone coined a cutesy nickname for the candidates from the other party, I hope you remember my melodrama.
I hope you do.
I hope it helps you feel better about what you helped destroy.
It will be a consolation, as they march you into a camp somewhere, that I was right.
Oh, wait, no it won't, but I don't care. Fuck you communist retards.