Thursday, August 27, 2009

Not The Winter Of Our Discontent...

...But maybe the late autumn of our confused disillusionment.

We've elected a President based on his ability to schmooze the public. This isn't all THAT uncommon, as these things go, but it's not overly common for the United States.

Sadly, as these things usually do, it is headed at least for a rocky patch of reassessment, as the public gradually realizes that the man they elected based on his ability to read eloquently from TelePrompTers™ and baffle you with bullshit in fact is not who he told them he was.

In foreign countries, this kind of thing can result in politically - and sometimes physically - horrifying consequences, and hopefully we won't see any of those sorts of things unfold here.

But what might unfold - I hope - is that the political Left will find a huge backlash at the voting booth in the next election, as alllll those normally apathetic conservatives who prefer not to rock the boat too much or really get involved come out of the woodwork to vote for anyone not like Obama, Reid, or Pelosi.

The danger, of course, is that the process might net us someone like, say, Rudy Giuliani as our next President, and that would be a terrible, terrible thing indeed.

I am not, I hasten to assure you, being sarcastic in the least degree.

Giuliani is a thinly disguised commie, and electing another political leftist thanks to his nominal political affiliation with the Right would be utterly disastrous to this country, as I suspect many of the actual, real conservatives of this country would, at that point, be confirmed in their belief that no representation for them exists in our current political system - and they're the ones that own guns.