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- Because they've GOTTA be better at kidney transplants than they are at delivering mail that's got the destination written right on it!
Because rationed care means we can finally get rid of Ted Kennedy! (Crap, he's a Senator. Nevermind.)
- Because then we won't have to put up with all these damn people from countries with government health care coming here for prompt and efficient service! Damned dirty foreigners.
- Because I trust MY Congresscritter to know when the Right Time is for me to end my life with dignity.
- Because any plan good enough for Congressmen and the President is good enough for me, dammit! (Oh, wait.)
- Because I will die in a hospice long before my kids are old enough to pay taxes, so who gives a fuck about the deficit?
- Because my right to life is TOTALLY beaten by your need to kill me because I pay for better health insurance.
- Because if the lure of near-infinite profit couldn't find a cure for cancer, the best way to make doctors work harder is CLEARLY to guarantee they will live in poverty instead!