Friday, August 07, 2009

8 Reasons I Just LOVE Government Health Care!

  • Because they've GOTTA be better at kidney transplants than they are at delivering mail that's got the destination written right on it!

  • Because rationed care means we can finally get rid of Ted Kennedy! (Crap, he's a Senator. Nevermind.)

  • Because then we won't have to put up with all these damn people from countries with government health care coming here for prompt and efficient service! Damned dirty foreigners.

  • Because I trust MY Congresscritter to know when the Right Time is for me to end my life with dignity.

  • Because any plan good enough for Congressmen and the President is good enough for me, dammit! (Oh, wait.)

  • Because I will die in a hospice long before my kids are old enough to pay taxes, so who gives a fuck about the deficit?

  • Because my right to life is TOTALLY beaten by your need to kill me because I pay for better health insurance.

  • Because if the lure of near-infinite profit couldn't find a cure for cancer, the best way to make doctors work harder is CLEARLY to guarantee they will live in poverty instead!