Monday, July 20, 2009

The Magnif'sense Uf Stoopit, Part 3.

Just to show off the "dumb," the European Union is pushing a project that ranks right up there with the "Stimulus" plan.

See, they need more power. Almost every nation does; having electrical power is what allows for economic growth. Now, in one sense the EU is far ahead of the United States, in that they use nuclear power for a major portion of their power needs, but they want to try out some of these much-touted "green" technologies, so they've decided to build a giant solar power farm.

Great idea, right? I mean, huge power station, providing a planned 15% of EU power demand in the future, no carbon emissions, what could go wrong?

...Maybe the fact that it will be sited in countries governed wholly by fanatics who hate the EU and send terrorists to attack them on a regular basis?

15% of their total power requirement is more than enough to cause rolling blackouts, or even crash the power grid completely. If the EU actually does this, they will have created a vast, tempting target for terrorism, right in the terrorists' back yard; a massive power station, providing electricity required for the health of the power grid of multiple nations, connected only by a vast cable running thousands of miles under the Mediterranean.

Why NOT let the bad guys hold an even sharper knife to your throat, really?