Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Little MORE Honduras Reporting...

...Since I can't seem to get enough of this one.

Article 4 of the Honduran Constitution - again, to be found here - reads as follows:

ARTICULO 4.- La forma de gobierno es republicana, democr�tica y representativa. Se ejerce por tres poderes: Legislativo, Ejecutivo y Judicial, complementarios e independientes y sin relaciones de subordinaci�n.
La alternabilidad en el ejercicio de la Presidencia de la Rep�blica es obligatoria.
La infracci�n de esta norma constituye delito de traici�n a la Patria.
To make that more clear for the non-Spanish speakers among us, which I expect is nearly everyone (although I totally disdained Google Translate for this one, so if you think your Spanish is better than mine, feel free to correct me,) that comes out to:

Article 4: The form of government is republican, democratic, and representative. There are three powers, Legislative, Executive, and Judicial; complementary, independent, and without a subordinate relationship (in other words they're all equal -Xeno.)
Alternation of the Presidency of the Republic is obligatory.
Any infraction of this standard constitutes the crime of treason against the State.
Which means not only was Zelaya ousted legitimately, but they were very gentle with him, in strict point of fact; the penalty for treason is 20 years in prison. They could have chucked him in a hole and forgotten where the key was.