Sunday, March 23, 2008

Yummy Stuff! (All-Can Easy Stew)

Right, so, I'm basically lazy, and after a good vacation and a late night / early morning, I wasn't in the mood to work a whole long time in the kitchen to make dinner. So, given those facts, when I realized that it was my turn to cook, I busted out the crockpot for some stew, and now you can share with me the yummy goodness.

1 crockpot

2 cans chili beans (lightly spiced pinto beans, for you yankees)
2 cans cream of mushroom soup
2 cans Swanson's Beef Broth
1 can mixed vegetables
2 cups cooked white rice
1 tablespoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon onion powder
1 tsp. each of the following: parsley flakes, crushed bay leaves, oregano, marjoram, savory
1 tsp. ground mixed peppercorns. [A note here: more on this later.]
4 hot dogs, diced

Toss it all in and crank it on high, stirring until thoroughly mixed. Cook on high for 2-4 hours, stirring occasionally. Serve hot.

Right, the peppercorns. In case you were wondering, the Dollar Tree chain carries a pretty good peppercorn medley in a shaker with a built-in grinder. That's not as good as your own fresh peppercorns, true, but in a pinch, it's an easy way to add some kick to a solid but otherwise unexceptional stew.

Serve with butter bread and enjoy!